Use smart-matching to build strategic connections that boost performance 

Why 200+ organizations trust 10KC to break down silos with smart-matching magic


of employees say their match is a valuable addition to their network


of matches happen across departments    


of connections result in knowledge sharing

Go beyond mentor-matching and design dynamic smart-matches that keep your program goals in mind  

  • Devise matching rules based on criteria that matter most for program success like seniority level, role, high-potential status, skills, and more

  • Enhance match quality by combining multiple matching rules together

  • Make matches as precise as possible with HRIS integrations that ensure employee profile data is up to date  

Fine-tune further by layering in employee goals and preferences 

  • Consider your employees’ career goals, interests, and preferred matches to personalize every connection 

  • Factor in who’s already met and who has shared goals and interests to keep program engagement high  

  • Make sure your smart-matches reflect your employees’ most-up-to-date skills, goals and interests with our HRIS integrations 

Get a sneak peek of your smart-matching criteria in action 

  • Preview how employees are matched together within a program to make sure you’ve got it right 

  • Adjust matches as needed to capture organizational context that only you’ll know, then lock them in  

  • Keep your programming fresh with regular matching rule reviews led by your Customer Success Manager 

Make meaningful matches across any social learning experience    

  • Connect employees for one-time networking sessions that build cross-departmental relationships 

  • Boost knowledge sharing and skill development by matching groups of employees with SMEs and leaders

  • Match employees one-on-one or in small groups for sustained programs that help them build skills over time 

  • Identify and address connection gaps and silos by group or individual to optimize your programs 

Explore all of the tools we offer to accelerate your talent priorities 

Curated learning pathways 
Sequence various social learning formats into a tailored journey designed to propel your people and business forward.
Multiple social learning experiences  
Keep employees engaged and reinforce learning with diverse programs and formats that help them perform at their best.
Discussion guides built with industry experts 
Leverage off-the-shelf content built with industry experts, or bring your own, to ensure conversations stay on-track and drive the results you’re after.

Ready to create social learning experiences that deliver real impact? 

Request a demo
200+ companies and social impact organizations are using our solutions to develop and connect their employees, drive employee engagement and achieve their DEI goals.