Break down silos in your professional services firm to deliver client expertise

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Accelerate onboarding and boost client value 

  • Connect new hires (or those transitioning into new roles) with experienced peers who can show them the ropes

  • Empower new employees to build relationships across your firm and accelerate project contribution 

  • Quickly integrate newly acquired employees—and their book of business—so you can retain them

Build strategic connections within your professional services firm to expand client collaboration and maximize revenue   

  • Build relationships across professional service teams and product portfolios that foster cross-team collaboration and knowledge sharing 

  • Educate employees about other services offered across the firm for better client solutions

  • Connect employees with leaders, SMEs, and peers to enhance their business acumen 

Cultivate an internal talent pipeline that secures your firm’s success 

  • Ensure high performers are connecting with the right colleagues and client projects to fuel their growth and engagement

  • Give top talent more direct access to leaders who can coach them along the path to partnership, reducing employee turnover 

  • Encourage employees to reinforce knowledge and apply their learning from formal training programs, driving better results

10KC creates connections that unlock performance for top professional service firms

“With 10KC, we now have an ideal platform to enable connection on a number of dimensions and extend our reach across the national firm in ways that would not have been possible for us in the past. We’re living a new normal with 10KC that addresses our evolving needs and challenges and enables our focus on building and sustaining an inclusive and caring workplace.”
Soula Courlas
Interim Chief People Officer, PwC
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“We wanted to build meaningful connections that superseded historic silos or proximity barriers. We wanted to drive connections that were human-led and tech powered, and 10KC allowed us to do that.”
Chris Dulny
Chief Digital, Data & Innovation Officer, PwC
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Peek inside the 10KC platform 

Smart-matching algorithm 
Leave the heavy lifting to us. Our customizable smart-matching algorithm automatically makes  impactful connections across virtually any organizational attribute. 
Learning pathways 
Combine multiple social learning formats into custom pathways tailored to your goals, or choose from our off-the-shelf options.
Social learning experiences 
Choose from a variety of formats, including one-on-one networking, small group sessions led by leaders or subject-matter excerpts, or structured mentoring programs. 
Discussion guides built with industry experts 
Leverage off-the-shelf content built with industry experts, or bring your own to ensure conversations stay on-track and drive the results you’re after.
Get a detailed view of how your programs are performing, who is connecting with who, and what they’re learning.

Ready to break down silos in your professional services firm and deliver better experiences for your clients? 

200+ companies and social impact organizations are using our solutions to develop and connect their employees, drive employee engagement and achieve their DEI goals.